Wednesday, December 22, 2010

oh dear




Monday, December 20, 2010


after finishing our last exam paper which is an engineering drawing test, i realized that my life have started. the real challenges begin now. no one will care about you anymore, you're a nobody now. but not for long cause this is the time to choose your pathway. so where would you lead yourself to?
i had to admit, my pathway are quite blurry now but i know that it won't be dark. so i'll keep on moving towards the ending of my tale :)

are you ready to step outside and see the world that Allah created?

Thursday, December 16, 2010

things i have learn

things i've learn :
- be yourself. means, know yourself just like you're tying to know your best friend. if you find any weakness, try to turn it into something positive. for example, if your heart are easily broke due to love then use it as a motivation so that there will be no broken heart.

- don't be sad. means, don't be sad because of the world. it will destroy one day. i always remember that i have Allah with me. that the sadness i'm having just another allegations of Allah that will make me stronger.

- use everything you've got. means, don't give up. there's always a way. you just have to find it with everything you've got. don't waste it but don't misuse it.

- cherish life as it goes by. means, as you're pursuit of a better life in the hereafter you have to observe what have Allah gave you in this world and it will make you appreciate more. don't ever forget that everything you have is Allah's.

- do something with the intention of Allah. means, everything you do, do it for Allah. it is much better that way and it will keep you in mind that Allah will always watch your every movement. and insyaAllah, you'll be safe.

- love people around you. means, do not create feelings of jealousy or hatred to other people success. like i said, there's always a way. you can be as successful as those people. those bad feeling will eat you alive.

- love Allah. the greatest love ever. i was once been taught by my teacher that if you love someone so much he/she will soon dies and by that time you'll feel like you have no one to rely on. well, my teacher regret it and so he said that it is better to make Allah your best friend as Allah will never dies and Allah is the only one who can help you.


i could never tell how great people are. words cannot be arranged into sentences just to describe the greatness of people to me. but i'll know.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


1. Ar-Rahman (Ar Rahman) Yang Maha Pemurah
2. Ar-Rahim (Ar Rahim) Yang Maha Mengasihi
3. Al-Malik (Al Malik) Yang Maha Menguasai / Maharaja Teragung
4. Al-Quddus (Al Quddus) Yang Maha Suci
5. Al-Salam (Al Salam) Yang Maha Selamat Sejahtera
6. Al-Mu'min (Al Mukmin) Yang Maha Melimpahkan Keamanan
7. Al-Muhaimin (Al Muhaimin) Yang Maha Pengawal serta Pengawas
8. Al-Aziz (Al Aziz) Yang Maha Berkuasa
9. Al-Jabbar (Al Jabbar) Yang Maha Kuat Yang Menundukkan Segalanya
10. Al-Mutakabbir (Al Mutakabbir) Yang Melengkapi Segala kebesaranNya
11. Al-Khaliq (Al Khaliq) Yang Maha Pencipta
12. Al-Bari (Al Bari) Yang Maha Menjadikan
13. Al-Musawwir (Al Musawwir) Yang Maha Pembentuk
14. Al-Ghaffar (Al Ghaffar) Yang Maha Pengampun
15. Al-Qahhar (Al Qahhar) Yang Maha Perkasa
16. Al-Wahhab (Al Wahhab) Yang Maha Penganugerah
17. Al-Razzaq (Al Razzaq) Yang Maha Pemberi Rezeki
18. Al-Fattah (Al Fattah) Yang Maha Pembuka
19. Al-'Alim (Al Alim) Yang Maha Mengetahui
20. Al-Qabidh (Al Qabidh) Yang Maha Pengekang
21. Al-Basit (Al Basit) Yang Maha Melimpah Nikmat
22. Al-Khafidh (Al Khafidh) Yang Maha Perendah / Pengurang
23. Ar-Rafi' (Ar Rafik) Yang Maha Peninggi
24. Al-Mu'izz (Al Mu'izz) Yang Maha Menghormati / Memuliakan
25. Al-Muzill (Al Muzill) Yang Maha Menghina
26. As-Sami' (As Sami) Yang Maha Mendengar
27. Al-Basir (Al Basir) Yang Maha Melihat
28. Al-Hakam (Al Hakam) Yang Maha Mengadili
29. Al-'Adl (Al Adil) Yang Maha Adil
30. Al-Latif (Al Latif) Yang Maha Lembut serta Halus
31. Al-Khabir (Al Khabir) Yang Maha Mengetahui
32. Al-Halim (Al Halim) Yang Maha Penyabar
33. Al-'Azim (Al Azim) Yang Maha Agung
34. Al-Ghafur (Al Ghafur) Yang Maha Pengampun
35. Asy-Syakur (Asy Syakur) Yang Maha Bersyukur
36. Al-'Aliy (Al Ali) Yang Maha Tinggi serta Mulia
37. Al-Kabir (Al Kabir) Yang Maha Besar
38. Al-Hafiz (Al Hafiz) Yang Maha Memelihara
39. Al-Muqit (Al Muqit) Yang Maha Menjaga
40. Al-Hasib (Al Hasib) Yang Maha Penghitung
41. Al-Jalil (Al Jalil) Yang Maha Besar serta Mulia
42. Al-Karim (Al Karim) Yang Maha Pemurah
43. Ar-Raqib (Ar Raqib) Yang Maha Waspada
44. Al-Mujib (Al Mujib) Yang Maha Pengkabul
45. Al-Wasi' (Al Wasik) Yang Maha Luas
46. Al-Hakim (Al Hakim) Yang Maha Bijaksana
47. Al-Wadud (Al Wadud) Yang Maha Penyayang
48. Al-Majid (Al Majid) Yang Maha Mulia
49. Al-Ba'ith (Al Baith) Yang Maha Membangkitkan Semula
50. Asy-Syahid (Asy Syahid) Yang Maha Menyaksikan
51. Al-Haqq (Al Haqq) Yang Maha Benar
52. Al-Wakil (Al Wakil) Yang Maha Pentadbir
53. Al-Qawiy (Al Qawiy) Yang Maha Kuat
54. Al-Matin (Al Matin) Yang Maha Teguh
55. Al-Waliy (Al Waliy) Yang Maha Melindungi
56. Al-Hamid (Al Hamid) Yang Maha Terpuji
57. Al-Muhsi (Al Muhsi) Yang Maha Penghitung
58. Al-Mubdi (Al Mubdi) Yang Maha Pencipta dari Asal
59. Al-Mu'id (Al Muid) Yang Maha Mengembali dan Memulihkan
60. Al-Muhyi (Al Muhyi) Yang Maha Menghidupkan
61. Al-Mumit (Al Mumit) Yang Mematikan
62. Al-Hayy (Al Hayy) Yang Senantiasa Hidup
63. Al-Qayyum (Al Qayyum) Yang Hidup serta Berdiri Sendiri
64. Al-Wajid (Al Wajid) Yang Maha Penemu
65. Al-Majid (Al Majid) Yang Maha Mulia
66. Al-Wahid (Al Wahid) Yang Maha Esa
67. Al-Ahad (Al Ahad) Yang Tunggal
68. As-Samad (As Samad) Yang Menjadi Tumpuan
69. Al-Qadir (Al Qadir) Yang Maha Berupaya
70. Al-Muqtadir (Al Muqtadir) Yang Maha Berkuasa
71. Al-Muqaddim (Al Muqaddim) Yang Maha Menyegera
72. Al-Mu'akhkhir (Al Muakhir) Yang Maha Penangguh
73. Al-Awwal (Al Awwal) Yang Pertama
74. Al-Akhir (Al Akhir) Yang Akhir
75. Az-Zahir (Az Zahir) Yang Zahir
76. Al-Batin (Al Batin) Yang Batin
77. Al-Wali (Al Wali) Yang Wali / Yang Memerintah
78. Al-Muta'ali (Al Muta Ali) Yang Maha Tinggi serta Mulia
79. Al-Barr (Al Barr) Yang banyak membuat kebajikan
80. At-Tawwab (At Tawwab) Yang Menerima Taubat
81. Al-Muntaqim (Al Muntaqim) Yang Menghukum Yang Bersalah
82. Al-'Afuw (Al Afuw) Yang Maha Pengampun
83. Ar-Ra'uf (Ar Rauf) Yang Maha Pengasih serta Penyayang
84. Malik-ul-Mulk (Malikul Mulk) Pemilik Kedaulatan Yang Kekal
85. Dzul-Jalal-Wal-Ikram (Dzul Jalal Wal Ikram) Yang Mempunyai Kebesaran dan Kemuliaan
86. Al-Muqsit (Al Muqsit) Yang Maha Saksama
87. Al-Jami' (Al Jami) Yang Maha Pengumpul
88. Al-Ghaniy (Al Ghaniy) Yang Maha Kaya Dan Lengkap
89. Al-Mughni (Al Mughni) Yang Maha Mengkayakan dan Memakmurkan
90. Al-Mani' (Al Mani) Yang Maha Pencegah
91. Al-Darr (Al Darr) Yang Mendatangkan Mudharat
92. Al-Nafi' (Al Nafi) Yang Memberi Manfaat
93. Al-Nur (Al Nur) Cahaya
94. Al-Hadi (Al Hadi) Yang Memimpin dan Memberi Pertunjuk
95. Al-Badi' (Al Badi) Yang Maha Pencipta Yang Tiada BandinganNya
96. Al-Baqi (Al Baqi) Yang Maha Kekal
97. Al-Warith (Al Warith) Yang Maha Mewarisi
98. Ar-Rasyid (Ar Rasyid) Yang Memimpin Kepada Kebenaran
99. As-Sabur (As Sabur) Yang Maha Penyabar / Sabar

taken from aisyah (FB)

Kadang2 kta berdoa utk kuat tp knp byk dugaann? Kadang2 kta minta cerdik tp msalah pula yg timbul. Kta minta kebahagia, tp huru-hara yg dtg. Dugaan mnjdkn mental kta kuat, msalah mnjdkn kta berfikir, huru hara mnjdikn kta tabah. Hbat tak Allah? Smua ad hikmah. Klaulah mnusia tw hadis ni : "telah berkata Jibril, wahai Tuhan, Engkau smpaiknlah niat hambaMu" Allah mnjwb: "Biarkn hambaKu itu krana Ak mncintai suaranya.."

Monday, December 13, 2010



clair de lune - dubussy

gravity - sara bareilles

Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.
No matter what I say or do I'll still feel you here 'til the moment I'm gone.

You hold me without touch.
You keep me without chains.
I never wanted anything so much than to drown in your love and not feel your rain.

Set me free, leave me be. I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Here I am and I stand so tall, just the way I'm supposed to be.
But you're on to me and all over me.

You loved me 'cause I'm fragile.
When I thought that I was strong.
But you touch me for a little while and all my fragile strength is gone.

I live here on my knees as I try to make you see that you're everything I think I need here on the ground.
But you're neither friend nor foe though I can't seem to let you go.
The one thing that I still know is that you're keeping me down
You're on to me, on to me, and all over...
Something always brings me back to you.
It never takes too long.