Sunday, September 30, 2012
how things work
i know that you can't be happy all the time. i know that sometimes, you will be mad or sad or whatever. and i also know that you can try to change.
when you want something, go and get it. when you want things to be alright, make sure that it will. even though you can't control things, at least, you can try and whatever that you get in the end will be the best choice for you. Allah knows. you know know that too right?
look at the brighter sight of everything. just look at it and you will see. don't fill your head with negative stuff. i mean, why would you even do that? readers, please. try to look for it. even the smallest part of it. just look.
and that's when you will find happiness.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
hey hi hello.
Monday, September 24, 2012
I don't know
Walaupun aku tak pasti dengan apa yang aku rasa selama ni dan aku tahu aku ni jenis yang unpredictable tapi aku tetap pegang pada goal yang sama. Aku tahu apa yang aku harapkan dan aku tahu juga yang mungkin aku tak akan dapat apa yang aku harapkan itu.
Aku tak tahu apa yang akan terjadi nanti tapi aku akan cuba terima sebab aku tahu Allah sayang hambaNya. Dan aku sangatlah lemah dan hina. Jadi aku akan CUBA.
I know i'm not that good. I do bad things that i'm not proud of. I'm not a good example. I know, i realize it every single time but i wish i realize it sooner so i won't have this dark dark past. I want to change and i hope i will.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Kolej, bilik, fakulti dan kelas
Kolej. Okay. Mula mula masuk aku tak focus sangat every detail yang ada kat situ. Jalan tengok bawah je. Lepas seminggu pun still tak berapa nak kisah dengan kolej tu. Cantik ke tak, ad berapa blok, dsb.
Bilik. Okay. Bilik untuk dua orang. Selesa. Tapi disebabkan ini kolej lama so bilik dia tak la selawa bilik kat tun hasan. Tapi syukur la. Feel dia tak sama tapi rasa selamat. Alhamdulillah.
Fakulti. Ya Allah, syukur sangat. Tempat dia cantik dan bersih. Kecil tapi memang sangat at home. Best. Still tak focus sangat in every detail yang ada. Library je sempat. Okay jugak library dia. Cool. Tak usha habis lagi.
Kelas pulak. Hm. Macam sekolah? Tak kesah pun. Hari ni baru start the first class. Classmates pun okay. Some. Tak kenal semua lagi. Hewhew.
Rasa dia lain sangat bila dah start degree. Macam lagi matang? Walaupun perangai macam lagi gedik. Err. Still, when it comes to studies ataupun menguruskan diri and stuff, aku rasa lagi matang. Okay la kan?
Tapi sibuk sangattttt... Banyak benda kena buat. Memang tk boleh main main dah. Huhh.
So friends, maaf la ye kalau tak dapat nak hangout selalu. Have fun with others and all the best.
Take care for now.