Thursday, January 28, 2021

From teacher, to muallimah, to Miss Aliaa.


This is another journey in which I have to face another big change in my life. I really thought that I was going to stay where I was longer, although, at the back of my head, I always know that will never happen but I always hoped. So that's what I did, I hoped and prayed but Allah had better plans for me. 

I was so comfortable in my working space and my living that I have come into a state where I am no longer challenged to do anything that would help me grow as a person. Basically, almost stagnant or having very little improvement and learning experience. I can then, face everything that they throw at me. 

At the peak of my comfort, a challenge came knocking at my door and it literally dragged me to a different, more unfamiliar scene where I am back to zero knowledge of my surrounding. I had to start again and learn something new. It was terrifying! Everything move so fast and I need to catch up with everything and everyone. Everyone was above my league in most area and I don't know what to do. 

I cried for 2 days and had to dug deep to search for the strength that I know I have in me and pull it out. I got over the fear and basically just survive until I can walk on my own. It's such a different world where although they support each other, you kinda have to walk on your own. 

So, that's that. Pray that I get through this. 
