Sunday, April 22, 2012

this is me being silly.

OKAY >_<

this is very stupid. i mean, me.

syu taught me this song so this is for her.

thank you syu :) almost forgot how to play it. hee

a simple song taught by syuhada hamdan :)

okay, cukup main main. be serious. haha ^^

fairy tail - past story. *mainmain*

this is for you


sorry for all of the silly noises behind. ehem. abaikan :3

saya comel, kbye!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

sabar aliaa

"Dan berapa banyak dari Nabi-nabi (dahulu) telah berperang dengan disertai oleh ramai orang-orang yang taat kepada Allah, maka mereka tidak merasa lemah semangat akan apa yang telah menimpa mereka pada jalan (agama) Allah dan mereka juga tidak lemah tenaga dan tidak pula mahu tunduk (kepada musuh). Dan (ingatlah), Allah sentiasa mencintai orang-orang yang sabar". (A-li'Imraan 3:146) 

Seseorang tidak boleh putus asa hinggakan dia menginginkan kematian. Sekiranya memang sudah sangat terpaksa hendaklah ia berdoa kepada Allah, agar Allah memberikan hal yang terbaik baginya; apakah kehidupan atau kematian. Daripada Anas bin Malik ra, bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda;  "Janganlah salah seorang di antara kalian mengangan-angankan datangnya kematian kerana musibah yang menimpanya. Dan sekiranya ia memang harus mengharapkannya, hendaklah ia berdoa; "Ya Allah, teruskanlah hidupku ini sekiranya hidup itu lebih baik untukku, dan wafatkanlah aku sekiranya itu lebih baik bagiku". (HR. Bukhari Muslim)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

my silly drawing

this is my first drawing of ajmal :)

first :)

second :)

third :)

everything on my table :)


fairy tail - past story

i play this for AJMAL


my sister is really good at it. both of my sister. 
my older sister is very creative. i mean, she have lots and lots of ideas
and her drawing is simple yet beautiful. 

me? i'm still learning though. i'm not that creative but i usually draw whatever i see. copy them. 
i'll show my drawing someday. a bit messy though.

i'll be drawing YOU soon. amal. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

from me to me.

oh  dear me.

please don't ever forget yourself. please don't run away from who you are.
dear me, don't ever forget to be brave and believe. believe in everything that you're capable of.
everything that made you who you are. yourself. in and out.
don't run and don't be scared. don't run into someone else but yourself
i'm here. somewhere within you. please let me rise and you'll be you

oh dear me.

please learn to love people you love. even if you don't realize it or forget
try to remember. try to imagine yourself in their place.
don't you ever force yourself by saying that you should, must or simply just have to love someone.
you're wrong to force yourself to love. it's too big for you to handle. leave it.
remember to love yourself. even if it's the hardest thing to do.

oh dear me.

please stop trying to pleased everyone's heart. stop pretending, stop hurting yourself and others
you know better. pleased the one who deserve to be pleased. the mighty Allah s.w.t.
in return, your heart will be pleased. insyaAllah.
try. please just try that and just that. then you don't have to try pleasing yourself
because you know you'll be once Allah is.

oh dear me.

please remember that this is just a temporary place for you to stay.
you'll be gone soon enough.
enough said.

oh dear me.

oh dear me.

oh dear me,

i love you. change. please.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


i'm not ready to continue my studies

i'm not mentally and physically prepare for this. i mean, degree is a scary thing to even think about. the duration is basically longer than foundation obviously and that is scary.

if there is a precise manual that would help me prepare everything that i need to survive that long years then i would definitely be safe. and when i say precise manual, i do mean precise. that contains everything. like a book written by people with different experiences than can give a heads up. yes, i do mean everything. even the smallest thing or the unnecessary things.

but that's never gonna happen. life is an adventure they say and i do believe that everything comes with a risk. and experience is a way of learning. well,
preparation is a must to me and the more the better.

anyway, the other reason is i'm caught up with all of the books that i've read or currently reading. the imaginations that i've created or rather the author want me to think is too great that i felt as if i'm in the story itself. and yes, i do enjoy going to new places from time to time even though it's only in my mind. and of course i will read for hours.

but it's not like i hardly care about the real world. i admit that i don't really watch the news on TV because i don't watch TV that much but i am trying to catch up reading news papers instead. well, i don't really care about the news while studying before but now i have to.

i understand if you say that i'm anti social and all. but the fact is, i'm only like this when i'm at home where everything else seems to be less important than staying home, reading a book or something. true, i don' talk much. and i prefer it that way because i have nothing to talk about. nothing important that is. but when i do talk, i talk a lot.

well, i guess what i'm trying to say is the outside world is supper scary to me. i am scared but staying home is making it a lot more worst.

huh~ i'm not gonna think anymore. lets read! ^^