Saturday, June 23, 2012

another mission succeed!

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.”
- Haruki Murakami.

i love this quote and i love his work

i've been reading his writing for the past two years and i love it so very much. i love how simple his writing was and how i can use some of his ideas. his writing was very delicate and you will be pulled into the book when you read it. well, i was. 

i thought i was going to read his work and HIS work only but one day, i was helping my friend searching for his favourite author with is Dan Brown. well of course i've never heard of him. he did found the book and bought it straight away. 

he did recommend me to read one of Dan Brown's book which was the Da Vinci Code. i don't read that kind of mystery book to tell the truth but in the end, i did bought one of his book. the same book that my friend bought that day. 

i'm still reading it. i bought it like, few months ago and i didn't even touch it. don't know why. hmm.

well, i'm reading it now because i've just watched the movie, Da Vince Code and Angles and Demons, it was amazing! like seriously! so next day, i began my adventure with The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown book. yay :)

i can't stop reading.

remember the four things that i must buy :

the ukulele - bought
the camera
the headphone
deception point by dan brown - BOUGHT!

yay! i'm soooo happy ><

two things to go! 

and i will gladly read the next Dan Brown book and after that, find another favourite author. 


Sunday, June 17, 2012

my absolute treasure


hello people. 

friends :)

i miss you guys padahal tadi baru je jumpa. seriously rindu. two crazy years together and now we have our own path to take. i'm really thankful for having you guys as a friend

terima kasih sangat sebab tolong aku change into a better person. 

aku happy and relief sebab somehow Allah bagi apa yang kita nak dulu. kita selalu sembang pasal ideal future yang kita nak. nak kerja apa nak buat apa lepas ni. alhamdulillah, walau pun macam lari sikit daripada apa yang kita nak, it's the best choice for us

and hopefully with that choice, we'll be happy and stay macam dulu. 

full of spirit. 

tasha yang selalu je bersemangat bila buat kerja

azieda yang tak pernah give up. 

shikin yang pure & kenal sangat diri dia sendiri

the two couple that sat together in class :) 

lastly. me :)

Monday, June 11, 2012

happy monday!

school days
i love mondays! this is the day that i get to meet my friends after two days of weekends. yay :)
might sound weird to some but i do love going to school. it's the only place i could actually talk a lot. 
yes, i don't talk that much at home. i do other stuff. like studying. haha. 
being at school on a first day of the week is totally awesome because it's the first day people!
you get all pumped up to start the day. well, i am aren't you my dear lovelies? 

TESL days
it's monday! yay! class! 8.30 in the MORNING~ sing with me. moooorrrninggggg~
i can't really say that i love going to a morning lecture.
it's more of the walking to class in baju kurung and your choice of shoes and hijab and bag.
not to mention the cold morning air plus the cruel cruel aircond. just kidding
or riding my mcd to class with ajmal on the back with our helmets on.
simply awesome.

regular days
after TESL.

it's monday already?

i didn't notice. =.=

Saturday, June 9, 2012

early marriage

my thoughts on early marriage. 

a simple thought would be :

i don't think it's a negative thing if you know your part and duty as a husband or a wife. it'll definitely be a happily ever after marriage. even though you're under age or currently studying or still need your parents for financial support and people think you're not suitable to be someone's wife or husband. 

screw you negative thinking people!

but a longer one would be :

i must say that i do not oppose this early marriage thingie. it's a good thing! many people have done it, recommend it and absolutely happy with it. 

some might think that you're too young to be married. that you need too live life, get a job, finish your study, etc. 

it's your choice and if you want to get married than just do it. even though the procedure it quite hard, i know. just do it. pray that everything will turn out well and be happy with it. easy?

NO? people will understand that it's not a bad thing. they're just not used to it. it takes time but if you feel that this choice is the best and insyaAllah everything will be OKAY ^^ in the end. 

good things will come

personally, i'm not ready to be married. i do wish to have an early marriage but i feel like i'm not fully prepare. i don't think that i can take a good care of my husband or myself. there are things that i have to do and yes, preparation is vital and it's a long way to go for me i'm afraid. 

i can't imagine myself being with someone right now. and that someone will be the one

i think i'll just do what i do now and when the time comes, just say alhamdulillah and smile :)

that's my thoughts


Saturday, June 2, 2012


ingat lagi hari tu. last day aku dapat tengok muka kawan kawan aku dekat UiTM alor gajah, melaka

first girl 


bayangkan bila kau dah rapat dengan someone dan kau dah lalui banyak benda dengan dia. it's so hard to let go of that memories. percayalah. aku tak boleh nak say goodbye. 

aku dengan ajmal memang tak rapat sebelum ni. masa sem dua baru rapat. and trust me, rapat sangat. aku ingat lagi semua benda bodoh merepek tak betul dan gila yang kitaorang buat.

nak jalan pergi kelas pun kiteorang buat benda merepek. gelak kuat kuat, tangkap gambar, main dengan payung (angin kuat gila time tu), lari, menyanyi. banyak lagi. aku rindu sangat time tu. kiteorang memang bosan gila sampai TERpaksa buat macam tu. haha

kat kelas jangan cakap la. dah macam orang yang pegi kelas untuk main dan makan. haha

aku rindu ajmal. aku rindu gila gila budak tu. 

i couldn't hangout with her that day but i don't mind because i understand :) but that day, i cried. 

i walked to her room. i was NOT prepare. trust me. i saw her hugging hazmira. and in my mind, i pictured me doing the same thing but to tears! NO TEARS! but i failed of course. 

the moment aku peluk ajmal, semua memory aku dengan ajmal flash through my mind. serious. one by one.and aku lari masuk bilik and nangis (aku tak pernah nangis macam tu). and still nangis lepas aku turun bawah. aku tak boleh terima hakikat yang semua benda yang aku pernah buat dan dah jadi macam rutin tu, aku tak boleh buat dah.  

sebab memang tak kan sama. feeling tu lain. tempat lain. purpose lain. semua lain. aku takut aku rindu akan feeling yang aku tak kan dapat balik tu. 

bila kau dah create banyak memory dengan someone, susah sangat kau nak lepaskan semua. termasuk that someone :')

i miss us wearing baju kurung, walking to class or riding mcd, having lunch together, watch one piece, and didn't concentrate in class :)

i just miss you 

second girl 



nothing went through my mind that night. and i was the last to say goodbye.

kalau boleh, malam tu aku nak lari lepas tu menyorok. sebab aku taknak dengar kau cakap pape. kalau kau dah balik time tu pun aku tak kan rasa apa apa sebab aku tak pernah rasa yang kau tu jauh daripada aku. kau memang selalu je dekat dengan aku. 

mula mula lagi kau dah macam tu. and serious, sekarang pun aku tak rasa yang kau jauh daripada aku. 

aku tak rindu kau sebab aku tau kau tak kan jauh daripada aku :)
aku tengok kau menangis malam tu and aku tak tau nak buat apa sebab aku tengah tunggu turn and aku kept on calling ajmal. aku taknak kau sedih tapi aku nak kau cakap dengan semua orang before kau balik. so aku try call ajmal.

bila turn aku. aku peluk kau and nangis macam gila (sama macam time ajmal) aku nangis sebab aku sayang kau and aku happy sebab aku dapat kawan macam kau. aku memang tak boleh tengok kau nangis macam. 

bila kau dah gerak, aku taktau nak buat apa. 

bila aku naik bilik syu, tengok dia nangis, aku rasa macam nak nangis balik. syu kata dia rindu kau. (kalau la kau tengok muka syu time tu, sure kau nangis jugak)

aku tak boleh nak list down kan memories kite sebab banyak sangat. aku ingat kita banyak cakap pasal banyak benda. 

and aku ingat lagi first time aku nampak kau naik tangga tun puteri, bawak beg merah, and aku cakap kau cantik :)

aku sayang kau :)

last girl


lepas kite dah sedih and cakap goodbye kat dua orang, aku tak tau macam mana kau nak handle cakap goodbye kat sorang lagi. which is me. 

aku sedih sangat sebab aku bukan yang last. i didn't get to see you leave but you have to see me leave. sorry syu. 

mintak maaf sangat sebab tak sempat nak bagi last special gift. 

she's the hardest. i just can't leave. that night, before i had to leave, we slept in the same room. my room that's almost empty. we planned to do something before i leave but we're too sleepy.

a short but painful goodbye. 

aku kejut syu bangun. dia siap siap nak keluar breakfast and aku siap siap nak balik. beg dah bawak turun and still pagi. ayah datang lambat

then syu pun turun. tolong angkat beg letak dalam kereta and time to say goodbye.  like i said. short. 

tak macam hazmira or ajmal. i didn't cry like before. 

kiteorang salam. peluk. cakap bye. syu macam nak menangis. aku tahan sebab tak nak tunjuk kat ayah. tapi deep down dah macam gila. 

and then, i left. tahan daripada menangis and it was the worst time ever.

tak boleh menangis is the worst. time tu aku rindu sangat kat syu. kalau boleh nak stay lama sikit sebab nak nangis je. dengan syu je aku tak nangis.

syu call lepas tu. and dia nangis tapi aku still tahan. aku cakap, jangan nangis eh. 

serious aku regret tak nangis time tu. sampai sekarang aku tak nangis sebab rindu syu. 

feeling dia sama macam kau nak nangis tapi ada orang acu pistol dekat kepala kau so kau terpaksa telan semua kesedihan kau tu and it stuck in your throat. 

aku sedih sebab aku banyak jugak memory dengan syu. kiteorang selalu keluar sama sama. too much to let go. 

situasi yang sama macam ajmal. i can't do it again. it wont be the same. 

i miss you syu and i wish i could cry. 

sambil dengar lagu rindu setengah mati