Monday, June 11, 2012

happy monday!

school days
i love mondays! this is the day that i get to meet my friends after two days of weekends. yay :)
might sound weird to some but i do love going to school. it's the only place i could actually talk a lot. 
yes, i don't talk that much at home. i do other stuff. like studying. haha. 
being at school on a first day of the week is totally awesome because it's the first day people!
you get all pumped up to start the day. well, i am aren't you my dear lovelies? 

TESL days
it's monday! yay! class! 8.30 in the MORNING~ sing with me. moooorrrninggggg~
i can't really say that i love going to a morning lecture.
it's more of the walking to class in baju kurung and your choice of shoes and hijab and bag.
not to mention the cold morning air plus the cruel cruel aircond. just kidding
or riding my mcd to class with ajmal on the back with our helmets on.
simply awesome.

regular days
after TESL.

it's monday already?

i didn't notice. =.=


ajmal najiyah said...

ahahaa.. teringat time naik motor pepagi sejuk nak mampus angin kena muka..wheee~ ><

leedotevest said...

haha. tapi awak tu duduk belakang, tak kena sangat. huhu T.T