Wednesday, July 25, 2012

chocolate, coffee or tea?

i remember staying up late at night studying or doing something else during my foundation in melaka.
i would usually have a small war with myself choosing over a chocolate drink, coffee or tea. since i have all them most of the night, i had to choose one. had to!

normally i don't drink chocolate drinks because i don't really like chocolate that much but it does make me feel calm. so like it or not, stress studying is not my choice. a cup of if will help me study smoothly. sweet things help your brain work. that's what i read.

tea would definitely work too but making tea to me is a lot of work (lazy)
when i want things to be fast and easy, tea would surely be out of the list. of course i would be missing a whole lot of interesting flavours as i am a big fan of tea. i love tea since i could remember. 
well, i normally would drink tea when i'm reading a book because i wont have to rush. get a good book and a cup of tea and i'll be just fine. but studying with a cup of tea is a no no. unless i'm super desperate for it. haha

ahh. coffee. what not to love? i drink coffee when i need to stay up  for some reason, i stay up most of the time because i slept early. coffee is a huge decision to me. i need to plan my time before i drink them. well, i'm gonna stay awake for some time and that include feeling sleep afterwards. so planning is very important so you don't miss out doing other important stuff like going to class for example. i've never missed a class before. wait. yes. never. i don't remember. 

i would definitely drink coffee when i'm on my extreme study mode. if i'm not planning to study, i would probably drink it anyways. just to keep me awake.

sometimes i would give up and water would be the one. yes, plain old water. 
then i would drink coffee in the morning and go class with a happy face

anything would be fine actually. but you know, i'm just a freak who love to plan stuff. hee 


chocolate : study only
tea : study or reading or relaxing
coffee : major studying or staying up

Monday, July 23, 2012


please be happy wherever you are. i care about you. 
be happy. i know you will

Friday, July 20, 2012

watch this

subhanallah. please watch this. 


Wednesday, July 18, 2012


please read 

Menurut hadis Nabi, zaman umat Nabi Muhammad saw dibahagikan kepada 5 bahagian mengikut kerangka masa:

"Masa kenabian itu ada di tengah-tengah kalian, adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya. Selanjutnya adalah masa Khalifah yang mengikuti jejak kenabian (Khalifah 'ala minhaj an-nubuwwah) adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya.

Selanjutnya kerajaan menggigit ( Mulkan 'Adhan), adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya.

Setelah itu kerajaan menyombong (Mulkan Jabariyyan), adanya atas kehendak Allah, kemudian Allah mengangkatnya apabila Dia menghendaki untuk mengangkatnya.

Selanjutnya adalah masa Khalifah yang mengikuti jejak kenabian (Khalifah 'ala minhaj an-nubuwwah)

Kemudian Nabi diam; "

(Hadis Riwayat Ahmad dan Imam Baihaqi daripada Nu'man bin Basyir daripada Hudzaifah)

Mengikut Rasulullah saw; fasa pertama adalah pada zaman Nabi masih hidup, zaman ini telahpun berlalu, kemudian zaman pemerintahan yang mengikut cara pemerintahan kenabian, kita dapati umat Islam diperintah oleh 4 khulafaa ar Rasyidin, inipun telah berlalu, kemudian datang pula zaman pemerintahan kerajaan yang 'menggigit' yakni yang menyerahkan kekuasaan kepada keturunan mereka. Kita dapat lihat pada fasa ini, kerajaan Ummayyah, Abasiyyah dan Uthmaniyah yang berkuasa menggunakan sistem monarki, zaman inipun telah berlalu.

Kemudian datang pula satu zaman dunia diperintah oleh pemerintah yang sombong dan bermaharajalela. Inilah fasa atau zaman yang sekarang ini. Kemudian setelah berlaku fasa ke empat akan datang pula fasa ke lima. Dalam fasa ke lima, dunia akan diperintah sebagaimana cara Nabi mengikut syari'at Islam. setelah selesai menceritakan hal itu tiba-tiba Rasulullah saw diam dan diam tersebut bermaksud sejarah manusia sudah tamat.

Rasulullah saw telah mengingatkan bahawa hidup dalam fasa ke empat akan kedatangan satu fitnah yakni fitnah yang paling besar dalam sejarah ketamadunan manusia, itulah fitnah al-Masih ad-Dajjal.

Dajjal tidak akan datang pada fasa ke lima, fasa ini kekuasaan telah berada di tangan orang-orang yang beriman. Dajjal tidak akan muncul selepas fasa ke lima kerana masa sejarah ketamadunan manusia telahpun tamat.

Pada fasa ke empat itulah IBLIS akan mengumpulkan dan menyesatkan seberapa ramai (seramai mungkin) manusia untuk mengikutnya ke neraka dan dalam fasa ke 4 inilah kita berada sekarang ini.

Sebelum turunya nabi 'Isa akan turun Imam Mahadi yang akan membawa kita ke fasa 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

to do list.

okay. i'm not using my free time that well lately and that's terrible.
so, lets make a TO DO LIST shall we? yay, happy face :)

things that i must do before september :
  1. read all of the books that i've bought
  2. eat different kind of food
  3. bake something
  4. play any song with the keyboard and record it
  5. recite al - Quran everyday
  6. gardening 
  7. finish the project
  8. paint something on a canvas 
  9. find a penpal
  10. make an origami
  11. write a short story
  12. or a poetry
  13. compose a song? maybe?
  14. go for a jog
  15. buy a camera and 
  16. drive a car 
  17. go for a walk in the park
  18. more more more more
  19. more 
  20. more

think of more. hmmm

Thursday, July 12, 2012

the sad part of it - me being sentimental

i am happy that Allah has given me this chance. the chance for me to move forward.


i can't help looking back because i miss it. it's getting further away from me yet so close that i could see it right in front of me. this is not something that i can keep it close to me.

if words can comfort me, i would use it. 
if pictures can make me smile, i would look at it everyday.


it wont be the same. words will fail to make me feel better. pictures will remain frozen there. 
those days are over now. things don't always remain the same. but i'm so attach to it i don't even know why. 

tears are falling. vision's getting blurry 

guys, i'm really happy for all of you. 
i'm thankful that i had the chance to meet all of you, to spend some time together. 
i wish nothing but the best for you. 
one day. i will see you insyaAllah. 
and i hope when that day comes, we will be the same. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012




tutup laptop. 
abaikan phone. 
baca buku.
minum teh.
tidur awal.


check result. 

pfffttt. like that's gonna happen

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


meet maru

i love him. he's adorable. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

to all men and women

i couldn't copy and paste the content of it so here's the link.

go check out her blog. there's a post entitled,

Secebis Ingatan Buat Adam

read it. feel it. think about it.

trust me.

Monday, July 2, 2012


assalamualaikum people

okay. let's talk

boy and girls. what's the rush?

i've seen you on facebook, on twitter and stuff. i've read most of your status updates and tweets.
most of them are about love. i just don't get it. you're young and you've been worrying about your love life more than other things such as, i don't know, maybe your education?

i mean, why would you even care about that? that love thingie. yes, love is important but your definition of love are so weak that it didn't even sound like love at all. love is everything my dear don't you see it? why would you narrow it down?


relationship is a hard thing to deal with. when you're too insecure with your relationship and other people who might try to steal your piece of happiness, that's when you narrow your view of love down.

you don't pay attention to whatever you're doing. that's is why your relationship didn't work. this is not a game to play. you have to know that you're taking care of person who have actual feelings. they are not teddy bears that you and play with. NO. this is not all happy. you have to be serious sometimes.

too young to think about all of the serious stuff? then why labeled yourself married or engaged in you facebook. or be in a relationship at the first place? aren't you going to marry that person? no? then what is your reason for being in that relationship? hm?

what do you possibly want from that relationship that you can get elsewhere?


i am shocked that you would even sell yourself out for that so called 'love' that you've been craving for. really? you would go that far? come on. don't you know how to appreciate love as it is? you're young. you would go though a whole lot of experience and you would learn a lot of things. you should live life. get to know yourself first. learn things that you don't even know exist. then go and search for love. the right one.

i am young too. i'm just 19. you might think that 19 is just like "yeah i'm an adult and i can do whatever i want!" no. big no. once you realize that there are actually other human being that are older than you and much much wiser than you, you would not feel old at all. you would realize how small you are. and stupid. yes, because they have lived years and years way ahead of you and you're just beginning to learn what they have learnt. so you don't know everything yet.


for someone who have been through what you're going through now, i don't really advise you to be in a relationship. you know what i mean, the kind of love that you've been looking for now. don't do it because your friends do it too. but i wont stop you from falling in love. i can't. for that, you just have to look at it a couple of time to make sure whether it is a true love or it is just another fake love. think.

love is a beautiful thing and if you've experienced it, the true love, then you're lucky. till then, love your creator, Allah, love your rasul, love your mom and dad, your family, everyone around you. love them. it is the best love that you could ever get. 

go and learn. learning is not all about the boring books. there are many ways to learn.

put yourself first and when you're ready, you're ready.

no hard feelings :)