Wednesday, September 26, 2012

hey hi hello.

i'm not gonna write about me this time. shall we talk about you?

if you think that i'm talking about you, please, do shout out.

first. hi old friend.
i don't think you'll be reading this but i would like to thank you for everything. for being the first friend who stood by me. yes, you're the only one. you're alone but you stayed and for that, i'm very thankful. you were there for me and that's the only thing that i want at that moment. a friend, cause i don't have any. thank you again.

second. hello dearest. 
you. you're the best. it is more than 10 years right? you're my second family and i really love you. and i'm not ashamed to say that because i do. you're a part of me and i know that we don't really have the chance to see each other that much now but i just can't imagine my life without you. you're here with me and i know that even though we're far away, i know that you're okay. 

third. hey buddy.
i miss you. i really do. i want to talk to you. i want to tell you everything. you're my support. i know that i can live on my own but having you around is a huge bonus. like the necklace that i gave to you, you're my spark. whenever i'm down, just by looking at you, i know that i'll be fine. i don't know why but i guess that's the reason i gave you that necklace. so you wont forget how important you are to me. 

fourth. hi.
you're so comforting. sometimes annoying but in a good way. i have no worries when you're with me. somehow, i feel like i can face whatever problems that i had even though i really can't. not having you around is sort of boring. i miss you. really really do. i miss the crazy you. i miss listening to you talking or singing. i can be myself when i'm with you. which is good 

fifth. hi awak. 
rindu. i cried. finally. i miss you. thank you for everything. thank you so much. sayang awak. 

sixth. hey hey!
i cried the most when you leave. trust me. i really miss you and i want to go class with you again. sekali pun jadi la. please? T.T i don't want to write too much or else i would cry again. the thoughts of you and our memories is just.. ugrh.. don't cry!
be good okay? 


ajmal najiyah said...

hey hi hello! i don't why but i have a strong feeling that i am the SIXTH! if i'm right, i miss you too Aliaa. kadang2, ada juga terbayang kau kat sini tengah tunggu aku di MCD kau. aku kat kelas diam je tau, takde sape nak menggila dengan aku. there is no more 'our own world' in the class anymore. :'D

leedotevest said...

tak gune. awak buat sy nangis

Anonymous said...

Hey babe. I miss you. I really do. oh, and hi back :) I remember when I get nervous with everything around me and I know I have you. And. Aku sayang kau. Kau tahu tu.