Saturday, December 7, 2013


if you want to be someone else, do as you please. try everything if you feel like it's worth it. by all means, go ahead. but remember that there will be consequences to the actions you're about to choose. be it good or bad.

i believe that you need to learn but learning is not all easy and absolutely not all will lead to something good. the best thing about yourself is that you have a brain and your brain is a really fast learner when it comes to experience. when you choose to do something that will not turn so pretty in the end, you will learn not to do it again. however, if you still choose to do it when you're already know that it is bad for you, you need to calm down and slap your face.

having an identity crisis is a normal thing when you're growing up. you have been taught that it is okay to behave in such way because you see that everyday. so your mind has been trained to follow it.

you care more of  your appearance than your personality. i get why you think that way because like i said, your brain perceive that as a normal thing to do. me, i do not care as much as you do because during my time, i care more of what i need to do to better myself than how to make myself look beautiful. 

but of course, appearance is important and we should take care of it. but if you care more on how you look than how you behave, it shows how much your have been brain washed to believe that you HAVE to look beautiful or handsome. and the sad fact is, almost everyone have the same mentality. 

imagine the type of nation crying over a broken nail, messy hair, shoes getting dirty, not fit enough, not stylish enough. imagine that. imagine the type of people who would be sooo depressed because they can't get an iphone. oh wait, that is currently happening. 

now you. like i said, you can try to be anyone that you like. do what they do. but will you still follow when you know that it will destroy you in the end? 

think. because people are starting to make gadgets think for them. so think now before your brain is just another organ that you need to be alive but not really something you need to survive. 

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