Saturday, June 23, 2012

another mission succeed!

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.”
- Haruki Murakami.

i love this quote and i love his work

i've been reading his writing for the past two years and i love it so very much. i love how simple his writing was and how i can use some of his ideas. his writing was very delicate and you will be pulled into the book when you read it. well, i was. 

i thought i was going to read his work and HIS work only but one day, i was helping my friend searching for his favourite author with is Dan Brown. well of course i've never heard of him. he did found the book and bought it straight away. 

he did recommend me to read one of Dan Brown's book which was the Da Vinci Code. i don't read that kind of mystery book to tell the truth but in the end, i did bought one of his book. the same book that my friend bought that day. 

i'm still reading it. i bought it like, few months ago and i didn't even touch it. don't know why. hmm.

well, i'm reading it now because i've just watched the movie, Da Vince Code and Angles and Demons, it was amazing! like seriously! so next day, i began my adventure with The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown book. yay :)

i can't stop reading.

remember the four things that i must buy :

the ukulele - bought
the camera
the headphone
deception point by dan brown - BOUGHT!

yay! i'm soooo happy ><

two things to go! 

and i will gladly read the next Dan Brown book and after that, find another favourite author. 


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